The Bay Area Freeway Service Patrol (FSP) is a fleet of roving tow trucks deployed during peak travel times (typically, 6-10 AM and 3-7 PM) as part of an incident management program to detect and clear accidents, assist motorists and remove dangerous debris from freeways. A fleet of tow and service trucks, equipped for nearly any contingency, patrol the Bay Area freeways and highways, looking for incidents in the roadway, or responding to computer and radio-dispatched requests for assistance from the California Highway Patrol.

FSP drivers wear blue uniforms with reflective piping, and ride in white trucks with the FSP logo on the side, looking for stranded motorists and offering help by changing a flat tire, "jump starting" a dead battery, refilling a radiator or providing a gallon of fuel. If the FSP operator cannot get the vehicle to start, it is towed off the freeway to the nearest CHP-identified safe location. All of this is free of charge to the motorist. Tow truck drivers may not provide commercial services, and are not allowed to accept tips. Drivers distribute informational brochures about the program along with a card directing motorists to an online survey where they can rate the performance of their FSP driver.

While you cannot call FSP directly, you may have a driver dispatched to you if you use a Callbox or 511 Freeway Assist services.
With the new Freeway Assist program, motorists on a freeway with a non-emergency situation (flat tire, car stalled, out of gas, etc.) can dial 511 on their cell phones, and once connected, say "Freeway Assist." The call will be transferred to the current call answering center that answers roadside call boxes, which will then determine the location of the motorist, and then provide appropriate roadside assistance services such as the Freeway Service Patrol.

The Freeway Service Patrol is free at the time of service, funded through the state highway fund and supplemented by the SAFE motorist aid driver registration fee.

The Bay Area FSP program covers almost every major freeway and highway in the 9-country Bay Area. Click here to see a map of our current service areas.

If you would like to provide feedback on a particular driver or assist, please take our survey here. Your feedback is appreciated and is used to improve the efficiency of our program. Additionally, all survey takers will be entered into a drawing to win a prize.
For general comments, or inquiries, please visit the Contact Us Page.

The Bay Area Freeway Service Patrol releases a Request for Qualifications and Bid Invitations for interested tow vendors every two years. Please contact the FSP Program Manager Giovanni DiFabio at gdifabio@bayareametro.gov or (415) 778-5233 for more information on the Freeway Service Patrol procurement process.